The 10th Filipino Pride Day Festival will be held on October 5, 2019 Saturday at the Riverside Arts Market from 10am to 5pm.
Category Archives: Events
Filipino pride day PRESENTS

Filipino Pride Day Cancelled
Filipino Boholano singing Priests concert
12th Legacy of Care Annual Gala
2018 Philippine Embassy Consular Outreach
There will be a Philippine Embassy Consular Outreach on August 7 and 8, 2018 at the Adam W. Herbert University Center located at 12000 Alumni Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32224 from 7am to 5pm.
Filipino Pride Day TV Promotion First Coast News
We Filipinos Inc. presents Filipino Pride Day 2017 “Back to the Roots”
Philip Mahoney with the Crosslink Band Jamming at the Maharlika Sports Bar and Grill
Filipino Pride Day @ Riverside Arts Market is a great success!
In behalf of We Filipinos Inc. we would like to thank all volunteers and supporters for their contributions that made Filipino Pride Day a great success.